Decoys priced over $200.
Most of our decoys are vintage wooden duck decoys, although we do have some contemporary decoys as well. Some have history and stories, others their story may never be known.
If you don’t see what you’re looking for, contact us, we have several items in our inventory that are not listed here.
Pair of Standing Blue Wing Teal by Virgil Hodge and Charlie Moore. Both have slightly turned heads in the feeding position, glass eyes, and raised wings. Legs and feet are...
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Heck Whittington Mallard Hen Working Decoy. Worn original paint, glass eyes, circa 1930's, hollow body, hunting wear, lead weight and rigging hook. Nice example of this carver's work with a...
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Isaac Bush Mallard Hen, Pekin Illinois. Circa 1920's, painted eyes, hollow body, old repaint, neck cracks, lead weight on bottom, hunting wear. Measures 16" long, 5" wide, and 6-1/2" tall.
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Gus Moak Canvasback Hen, Tustin Wisconsin, repainted by Edna Perdew, Henry, Illinois. Glass eyes, hollow body, turned head, in good condition with minor wear. Measures 18" long, 6-1/2" wide, and...
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Perdew Style Pintail Hen by Torry Ward, Manitoba Canada. Glass eyes, hollow body, original paint, Perdew style lead weight, good condition. Decoy measures 16" long, 4-/2" wide, and 6" tall.
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Harry Canfield Mallard Hen, Dallas City, Illinois. Circa 1930's, glass eyes, solid body, mostly original paint with a few minor touchups, wood knot, hunting wear and rubs, hairline neck crack. ...
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Mallard Drake by Ray Sours, Havana Illinois. Circa 1930's, glass eyes, hollow body, nicely restored paint with minor wear. Measures 17" long, 5" wide. 7" tall.
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Henry Holmes Mallard Hen, repainted by Ervin Redshaw Bureau Illinois. Circa 1910's, decoy has glass eyes, hollow body, lead weight, and hunter wear. Measures 15" long, 5" wide, and 6-1/2"...
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Schoenheider Jr, pair of 2/3 size Mallards. Peoria, Illinois. Circa 1950's, all original, very nicely done example of Mr. Schoenheider's work. Hollow, glass eyes, original paint, and measure approximately 12"...
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Mallard Drake by J. W. Cavanaugh, Danville Illinois. Original paint, circa 1936, tack eyes, solid body, a few age cracks, unique carving, paint crackling from age. Decoy has been used...
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Illinois River Mallard Hen Sleeper by unknown carver, painted by Charlie Moore, Dekalb Illinois. Solid body, glass eyes, good condition with "CHAS. MOORE '89" painted on bottom. Decoy measures 15"...
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Perdew Style Preening Mallard Drake, unknown carver. Very nice original paint with comb painting on sides and bottom, glass eyes, hollow body, very good condition with minor wear. Excellent reproduction...
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Mallard Drake by Charles Whitmore, New Boston Illinois, Circa 1930's. Hollow body, glass eyes, decoy was repainted by T. J. Hooker. Minor wear, slightly turned head, decoy measures 15-1/2" long,...
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Mallard Drake by Roy Hancock, Peoria Illinois. Circa 1930's, original paint, hollow body, glass eyes, a little bit of hunting wear, lead weight on bottom. Measures 17-1/2" long, 5" wide,...
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Pair of Blue-Winged Teal by Bill Heitzman, Pekin Illinois. Original paint, glass eyes, very good condition. Each measure approximately 9" long, 3-1/2" wide, and 5" tall.
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Pair of Jim Slack Third Size Pintails on string, Pekin Illinois. Original paint, glass eyes, preening hen, lead weights, drake has a few small paint chips. Hen is 8" long...
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Canvasback Drake by William Lohrman, Peoria Illinois. Dry original paint, Circa 1930's, hollow body, minor hunting wear, slightly turned head, has some paint loss on the bottom, overall a good...
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Shoveler Drake by Bill Zierke who was a friend of Burt Graves and carved with him. Original paint, glass eyes, hollow body, slightly turned head, circa 1970's, in very good...
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Illinois River Redhead, hollow body, glass eyes, Circa 1920's. Lacon area, unknown carver, nice vintage old decoy with some original paint. Measures 13" long, 5" wide, and 6-1/2" tall.
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Unknown Illinois River Blue Bill, Lacon-Chillicothe area. Circa 1920's, glass eyes, hollow, worn original paint, seam separation with filler added. Good old hunting bird, measures 12" long, 5" wide, and...
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Pair of Wood Ducks by Gerald "G.F." Cranwill, Pekin Illinois. Glass eyes, original paint with some wear, slightly turned heads. Bottoms have carver's brand and are signed and dated 1986. ...
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James Pollitt Canvasback Drake, Lewistown, Illinois, Circa 1940's. Decoy is in original paint, glass eyes, minor wear. Measures 12.5" long, 5" wide, 5-1/2" tall.
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Pair of third size Canvasback by Kenny Weeks, Bureau Illinois. All original, slightly turned heads, glass eyes, solid bodies, comb painting, "K. WEEKS" brand on bottoms. Very nice examples, with...
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Mallards Pair by WIlford Bush, Pekin, Illinois. All original, circa 1991 & 1979, glass eyes, hollow bodies, signed and dated by carver. Both in very good near mint condition, each...
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Ken Weeks Pintail Drake, Bureau Illinois, 1980's. Very nice original paint on this bird, comb painting, wooden sprig, glass eyes, "K.WEEKS" brand on bottom, slightly turned head. Decoy measures 18"...
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Black Duck by Artie Bennett (Arthur Behmetuik), Lockport Illinois. Carver is listed in the Illinois River Decoy Carvers Book. All original, early working decoy, glass eyes, hollow body, slightly turned...
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Canvasback drake by Andy Anderson, Chillicothe, Illinois. From the Vohree's rig, has "DWV" brand, glass eyes, hollow body, old repaint with hunting wear. Measures 17" long, 5" wide, and 8"...
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Mallard Drake by William "Billy" Williams, Pekin Illinois. Very good near mint condition, original paint, tack eyes, comb painting, hollow. From the Woody Crafton rig, decoy measures 16" long, 5"...
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Mallard Drake, hand carved and painted by Robert Weeks, Bureau, Illinois. Decoy has glass eyes, traditional comb painting, "27" on bottom, and a few minor paint flakes. Measures 8 1/2"...
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Pair of Mallards by unknown carver, repainted by Joseph Kelso, Tiskilwa Illinois. Solid bodies, glass eyes (one of drakes is replaced), hunting wear, very nice repaint. Each measures approximately 14"...
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Standing Mallard Drake by Ken Weeks, Bureau Illinois. Circa 1970's, glass eyes, very nice comb painting, turned head, metal legs, standing on a piece of wood. All original with "KW"...
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Pair of third size Mallards by Kenny Weeks, Bureau Illinois. Very nicely done, all original with comb painting, glass eyes, bottom of hen has "K. WEEKS" brand, drake has "KAW"...
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George Kessler Widgeon, Pekin, Illinois. Tack-eyes, hollow decoy that has old hunter repaint on it. Circa 1930's, lead weight and rigging hook on bottom, bee-bee marks. Has neck cracks, but...
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Mallard Drake by Walt Blompot, Pekin Illinois. Circa 1930's, original paint, hollow, painted eyes, lead weight and rigging hook on bottom. Has some hunting wear and rubs, but overall in...
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Mallard drake in the style of Charles Walker by unknown carver. Painted by Donna Tonelli, original Walker weight, glass eyes, hollow body, very nicely done. Measures 17" long, 5" wide,...
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Matt Spielman full size Snow Goose, Illinois. Glass eyes, solid body, original paint, slightly raised wing, "MS 22" on bottom. Measures 18" long, 7-1/2" wide, and 7-1/2" tall.
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Mallard drake by George Kessler, Pekin Illinois. All original, hollow body, tack-eyes, lead weight and "EMcD" brand on bottom. Decoy has some hunter wear, paint flaking, and bill had a...
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Oversized model Pratt Factory Redhead Hen, Joliet Illinois. Circa 1930's, glass eyes, mostly original paint with some hunter touchup, flaking, hunter wear, lead weights on bottom. Measures 15" long, 5-1/2"...
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Mike Vallero Mallard Drake, Spring Valley Illinois. Circa 1920, this decoy is repainted, lead weight on the bottom. Measures 17" long, 5" wide, 7-1/2" tall.
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Illinois River, Elliston Style Red Head Drake. Comb painting, glass eyes, hollow with lead strip weight on the bottom. Nicely done, this decoy measures 15" long, 5-1/2" wide, and 7"...
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