Most of our products are unique, but if you see something on our sold page that interests you, contact us and we may have something similar in our inventory.
Sold $475.00
Shorebird by Captian James Wyer, Nantucket, MA. Circa 1880's, mostly original paint, split tail, wooden bill possibly has an early replacement, painted eyes, some minor wear and paint flaking. Shorebird...
Sold $100.00
Waterfowl Heritage North Carolina Decoys and Gunning Lore by Wm. Neal Conoley, Jr., photographs by Ken Taylor. This 334 page hardcover book of the fascinating story of wildfowl hunting, market...
Sold $300.00
Pair of Folky Golden Eye Decoys, unknown, Maine. Circa 1930's, decoys have inletted heads, tack-eyes, and old hunter repaint. Drake has lead weight and rigging hook on the bottom. Each...
Sold $75.00
Lot of 4 minitature pheasants, all roosters. Two smaller ones standing on a piece of wood, both are hand carved with metal legs, painted eyes, in good condition, 1 of...
Sold $1,750.00
Pair of Ruddy Ducks by Delbert "Cigar" Daisey, Chincoteague Virginia. Solid bodies, glass eyes, very nice original paint, detailed wing and tail carvings as well as on bills. Near mint,...
Sold $225.00
Delaware River Style Bufflehead Drake by Frederick "Rick" Brown, Pt. Pleasant New Jersey. Tack-eyes, original paint, solid body, has some minor wear. Pad lead weight, leather rigging strap, and carvers...
Sold $750.00
Ken Harris Gadwall, Woodville New York. Original paint, glass eyes, solid body, comb painting, detailed feather carving, slightly turned head, worn felt on bottom, signed. Decoy is in good condition...
Sold $375.00
Old Squaw / Long Tails pair by Tom Ferguson, Woodville New York. Ken Harris school, very nice details, carved wings, slightly turned heads, glass eyes, solid bodies, original paint. Ferguson...
Sold $150.00
Wilbur Corwin Black Duck, Long Island. Circa 1890's, old hunter repaint, hollow body, has been hunted with and shows wear, rigging hook and brand on bottom. Measures 18" long, 5"...
Sold $300.00
Black Duck by the English Family, New Jersey. Circa 1910's, hollow body, glass eyes, repainted, pad weight on bottom, hunting wear. Measures 14" long, 4-1/2" wide, 6" tall.
Sold $40.00
Chesapeake Bay Decoys, The Men Who Made and Used Them. This 192 page hard cover book is filled with a lot of pictures, stories, and history. Book is in good...
Sold $1,100.00
Rhodes Truex Yellow Legs, Atlantic City, New Jersey. Excellent original paint, glass eyes, wood bill, very good condition with little wear, great example. Circa 1910's, shorebird measures 11" from head...
Sold $250.00
Davison Hawthorne Morning Dove, Salisbury, Maryland. All original, glass eyes, wooden bill, mounted on driftwood, paint crackling. Very nicely done with minor wear. Dove measures 12" from head to tail...
Sold $225.00
Lou Reineri Green Winged Teal, Chincoteaque, VA. Glass eyes, very nice detailed original paint, solid body, slightly turned head, signed and dated 1975, near mint condition. Measures 11-1/2" long,4" wide,...
Sold $200.00
Chester Doughty third size Merganser, Orr Island Maine. All original, painted eyes, good condition. Measures 10" long, 3-1/2" wide, and 3-1/2" tall.
Sold $350.00
Brant by Charles Birdsall, Point Pleasant New Jersey. Original paint, glass eyes, hollow body, rigging hook and pad weight on bottom. A few minor dings, very little wear, measures 17"...
Sold $600.00
Pair of Hurley Conklin Hooded Mergansers, Manahawkin New Jersey. Glass eyes, hollow bodies, original paint, detail carving. Each have a small inletted weight and "H. CONKLIN" branded on bottom. Very...
Sold $125.00
High Headed Canvasback by Capt. Harry Jobes, Havre de Grace, Maryland. Glass eyes, solid body, has minor hunting wear with a crack on the side. Measures 16" long, 6" wide...
Sold $125.00
Wildfowler Swan, Bohemia New York. Third size, preening, original paint, glass eyes, solid body, factory stamp on bottom, in good condition with very little wear. Measures 10" long, 4-1/2" wide,...
Sold $65.00
Gun Clubs & Decoys Of Back Bay & Currituck Sound by Archie Johnson & Bud Coppedge. 223 page hard cover book filled with a lot of history, pictures, and stories...
Sold $130.00
Mattamuskeet & Ocracoke Waterfowl Heritage by Jack Dudley, signed copy, dated 1995. 144 page hard cover book in like new condition. This book is filled with knowledge, stories history, and...
Sold $250.00
Swimming posed Mallard Hen by William Fitzpatrick, Hudson Massachusetts. Original paint, glass eyes, solid body, detailed carving and paint. Has a few paint flakes and puppy chews on end of...
Sold $125.00
Early Canvasback Hen by Captain Harry Jobes, Maryland. Painted eyes, original paint, solid body, has some hunting wear. Measures 16-1/2" long, 6" wide, and 6-1/2" tall.
Sold $1,000.00
Keyes Chadwick Redhead, Martha's Vinyard, MA. Original paint, glass eyes, solid body, very little hunting wear. Has inletted lead weight as well as a long age crack in bottom. Measures...
Sold $225.00
Havre de Grace Mallard Drake, attributed to Madison Mitchell. Original paint, solid body, painted eyes, minor hunting wear, "S" painted on bottom. Measures 16-1/2" long, 6" wide, and 6" tall....
Sold $200.00
Cormorant by Curtis (CW) Waterfield, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Glass eyes, original paint, aged to look old, lead weight, rigging hook, and "CWW" brand on bottom. Unique decoy in good condition. ...
Sold $275.00
Ken Harris Blue Wing Teal Drake, Woodville New York. Slightly turned head, detailed carved feathers, species and date on bottom, original paint. This near mint condition, very nicely done decoy...
Sold $300.00
Shorebird, possibly a peep by unknown carver. Circa 1900's, mostly original paint, solid body, very slightly painted eyes, appears to be the original wooden bill with some touchup to it,...
Sold $200.00
Wildfowler Green Wing Teal, Point Pleasant New Jersey. All original, near mint, circa 1970's, factory stamp on bottom, and name on underside of bill, glass eyes. Measures 12" long, 4"...
Sold $450.00
Blue bill special made by Jack Sweet, Erie Pennsylvania- to his "good friend Joe Balkovic". Glass eyes, sold body, very nice detailed original paint with detail feather carving as well. ...
Sold $250.00
Canvasback Hen by Madison Mitchell, Havre de Grace, Maryland. Original paint, painted eyes, circa 1970, lead weight and rigging hook. Nice example, decoy has a little bit of hunting wear,...
Sold $700.00
Blue Bill Drake by Harry Shourds, Tuckerton New Jersey. Painted eyes, circa 1890's, still has some original paint, hollow with inletted lead weight. Has some hunting wear and shot marks...
Sold $200.00
Strater & Sohier "Tinnie" Shorebird with original stake on a wooden stand, Boston Massachusetts. Decoy is all original and in good condition with some minor wear. Nice clean example, shorebird...
Sold $350.00
Blue Bill hen by Harry Ross who was the 1949 international decoy carver champion and worked for Wildfowler. Circa 1950's, decoy is in original paint, hollow with bottom board, has...
Sold $125.00
Mallard Hen by Wildfowler, Old Saybrook Connecticut. Original paint, glass eyes, solid body, a few minor scuffs and some wear, wooden keel. Measures 16" long, 6" wide, and 6-1/2" tall.
Sold $200.00
Brant in the preening position by Anthony Hillman, Seaville, New Jersey. All original, glass eyes, hollow body, branded, signed, dated 1983, other information written on bottom. In very good condition,...
Sold $250.00
Frederick "Rick" Brown Hooded Merganser with slightly turned head. Raised, detailed wing carving, and glass eyes. Signed and dated, along with lead weight, rigging strap, and brass plate on bottom. ...
Sold $275.00
Canvasback Drake by Jessi Urie, Maryland. Original paint, painted eyes, lead weight, rigging hook, and collectors stamp on bottom. Decoy has been hunted with, has bee-bee marks, some paint flakes...
Sold $100.00
Jack Sweet Decoys Unlimited Mallard Hen, Erie, Pennsylvania. Glass eyes, original paint with some rubs and a little wear but in good condition. Measures 12" long, 5" tall, 4" wide.
Sold $700.00
Black Duck by Charles Black, Bordentown, New Jersey. Original paint, glass eyes, carved wing feathers. Overall in good condition, has a few paint chips, dents in wing feather, normal hunting...
Sold $200.00
Third size Black Duck by Frederick "Rick" Brown out of New Jersey. Has all the detail as his well known full size Delaware River birds. Hollow with raised carved wings,...
Sold $650.00
Bluebill hen by Charlie "Speed" Joiner, Chestertown, Maryland. All original with painted eyes, lead weight, rigging hook, and signed on bottom. Very nice paint, this decoy is in near mint...
Sold $125.00
Black Duck by J. W. Bowen, East Coast. Circa 1920's, hollow decoy with tack-eyes and hunting wear. Measures 18" long, 5-1/2" wide, and 6" tall.
Sold $325.00
Pair William Cranmer Green Wing Teal, Beach Haven, New Jersey. Very nicely done pair, with detailed painting, glass eyes, writing on bottom, slightly turned head. Measures 8" long, 3" wide,...
Sold $225.00
Third size Wood Duck Drake by Oliver "Toots" Lawson from Crisfield. Maryland- worked for Ward Brothers at one time. All original, painted eyes, slightly turned head, balsa wood, measuring 7-1/2"...
Sold $225.00
Third size Black Duck by Frederick "Rick" Brown out of New Jersey. Has all the detail as his well known full size Delaware River birds. Hollow with raised carved wings, glass...
Sold $400.00
Ron Ditch pair of half size mallards. Henderson New York. Nicely done with detailed painting, bottoms have green felt with stamp "ONTARIO DECOY RD HENDERSON N.Y.", A few dings, but...
Sold $475.00
Pair of Frederick "Rick" Brown Blue Bills, Ocean City, New Jersey. Near mint condition, this pair is very nicely done with glass eyes, hollow bodies, all original with carvers traditional...