Most of our products are unique, but if you see something on our sold page that interests you, contact us and we may have something similar in our inventory.
Sold $275.00
Pair of Mason Standard Grade Mallards, Detroit Michigan. Painted eyes, solid bodies, original paint with hunting wear. Circa 1920's, age cracks and wood loss from weights. Both measure approximately 16"...
Sold $200.00
Unknown Canvasback, possibly Michigan. Mostly worn original paint, hollowed out, circa 1910's. Unique old hunting bird. Measures 16" long, 6" wide, and 7" tall.
Sold $350.00
George Sibley Bluebill, Whitehall Michigan. Circa 1920's, glass eyes, hollow body, paint has been taken down. Decoy has a crack on the back on one side, but otherwise in good...
Sold $225.00
Mason Factory Standard Grade Mallard Drake, Detroit Michigan. Glass eyes, solid body, original paint, wood knots, age crack in bottom, and a little hunting wear. Measures 16" long, 4" wide,...
Sold $200.00
Michigan Golden Eye Drake with Schmidt influence. All original, glass eyes, detailed carving, wooden keel with lead weight, unknown carver. Decoy measures 12" long, 6" wide, and 7" tall.
Sold $275.00
J.R. Wells Canvasback Drake, St. Clair Flats. Circa 1920's. Decoy has glass eyes, is in good condition with hunter wear and some bee-bee marks, with some original paint left yet. ...
Sold $175.00
Mason Factory Standard Grade Redhead Hen, Detroit, Michigan. Tack eyes, original paint, circa 1920's, solid body, age cracks, wood knots, hunting wear, has brand on bottom. Measures 13-1/2" long, 5"...
Sold $250.00
Mason Premier Grade Mallard Hen, Detroit Michigan. Circa 1915, restored paint, glass eyes, hollow body, minor wear, nicely restored, "NEAL" carved in bottom. Measures 18" long, 5-1/2", 6" tall.
Sold $225.00
Lifesize Hand Carved Walleye by Hank Kimple, Hubbardston Michigan. All original with glass eyes, carved tail and fins, as well as a separate hand carved wooden jig with a minnow...
Sold $175.00
Mason Redhead Drake, Detroit Michigan. Standard glass eye model, original paint, solid body, pad weight on bottom, circa 1920's. Has age crack in back, and paint rubs and flakes from...
Sold $200.00
Mason Factory Canvasback Drake, Detroit Michigan. Circa 1920's, glass eyes, original paint, solid body, a few age cracks, bee-bee marks, wood chips in bottom, hunting wear. Measures 15" long, 5"...
Sold $550.00
Unknown pair of St. Clair Flats Hooded Mergansers. Circa 1920's, glass eyes, solid bodies, bee-bee marks and light hunting wear, lead weights and "HALL" brand on bottoms. Hen's head easily...
Sold $350.00
Mason Standard Grade Wood Duck, Detroit Michigan. Circa 1920's, glass eyes, solid body, restored paint, age cracks, minor hunting wear. Very nicely restored decoy, measures 13-1/2" long, 4-1/2" wide, and...
Sold $550.00
Dodge Factory Hooded Merganser, Detroit Michigan- rare species for this company. Worn original paint with some touch-ups, one replaced eye, age crack in back, bee-bee marks, some wood loss on...
Sold $275.00
Dodge Factory Redhead Hen, Detroit Michigan. Original paint, solid body, glass eyes, circa 1890's, neck repair, hunting wear, crack in bottom. Measures 14" long, 4-1/2" wide, and 5" tall.
Sold $375.00
Mason Premier Grade Mallard Drake, Detroit Michigan. All original, glass eyes, hollow body, circa 1920's, age cracks, hunting wear, tail chip, all shown in pictures.
Sold $150.00
Redhead Hen by Art Sherwenn, St. Clair Flats. Original paint, glass eyes, solid body, has some scuffs and a little hunting wear, circa 1940's-1950's. Measures 15" long, 6-1/2" wide, and...
Sold $275.00
Mason Canvasback Hen, Detroit Michigan. Rare hollow example, Circa 1920's, original paint, glass eyes, lead weight, hunting wear, large wood knot on side with a good size piece of it...
Sold $300.00
Mason Factory Standard Grade Redhead Hen, Detroit Michigan. Original paint with original neck filler, replaced glass eyes, solid body, minor hunting wear, lead weights on bottom. Measures 14" long, 5"...
Sold $150.00
Mason Factory Redhead Drake, Detroit Michigan. Standard grade, glass eyes, solid body, circa 1920's, has about 70% original paint, age cracks, wood knots, normal hunting wear. Measures 13-1/2" long, 4"...
Sold $500.00
Redhead Drake by Otto Misch, Weale Michigan. Glass eyes, original paint, circa 1930's, hollow with bottom board, rubs and minor hunting wear. Leather rigging strap and unique lead weight on...
Sold $100.00
Unknown Blue Bill, St, Clair area. Hollow, two piece, mostly original paint, tack-eyes, detail carving on tail, has some hunting wear. Measures 12" long, 5" wide, and 5" tall.
Sold $250.00
Dodge Factory Mallard Hen, Detroit Michigan. Solid body, glass eyes, circa 1890, partial original paint and repaint. Has some hunting wear and bee-bee marks. Measures 16" long, 4-1/2" wide, 5-1/2"...
Sold $350.00
Green Wing Teal by Russ Van Houzen, Empire Michigan. Original paint, glass eyes, very detailed feather carving and paint. Has "RVH" brand on bottom of decoy and is very good...
Sold $200.00
Michigan Canvasback Hen, unknown carver. Stylish carving, circa 1920's, solid body, glass eyes, paint crackling, age cracks, and some hunting wear. Decoy measures 16" long, 7" wide, and 8" tall....
Sold $150.00
Canvasback Drake by Alex Tobin Meldrum, Fair Haven, Michigan. Circa 1930's, decoy is hollow with some original paint left, has a neck crack and hunting wear, has an "A" scratched...
Sold $35.00
Art Beauchamp Original Hunter Duck Call, Flint, Michigan. Works and has very little wear. Measures 5" long.
Sold $150.00
Trout spearing decoy by Carl Christiansen, Newberry, Michigan. All original, glass eyes, inletted lead weight and "CC" on bottom, metal fins, wood tail. Decoy measures 6" long, 2" wide, and...
Sold $275.00
Red Head Drake by Ben Schmidt, Centerline, Michigan. Mostly original paint, circa 1940's, glass eyes, solid body, minor hunting wear, "KEN GRISSOM" brand on bottom, in good condition. Measures 15"...
Sold $750.00
Blue Bill Drake by Nate Quillen, Rockwood, Michigan. Circa 1900's, glass eyes, solid body, top of bird has been repainted, bottom is original paint with "W O HALL" brand. Has...
Sold $300.00
Mason Factory Premier Mallard Hen, Detroit Michigan. Very nicely restored paint, has some age cracks and a little hunting wear, wood chip at bottom of neck, but overall in good...
Sold $350.00
One Arm, Ed Kellie Canvasback Hen, Monroe, Michigan. All original, solid body, has age cracks, wood chips, and has wear from being hunted with. Good old working bird, measures 14"...
Sold $150.00
Al Nelson Muskie Eating a Perch, fish spearing decoy, Cadilac Michigan. Near mint condition, all original, signed on bottom. Metal fins, wood tail, perch is wood and does not come...
Sold $350.00
Mason Factory Standard Grade Redhead Hen, Detroit Michigan. Glass eyes, original paint, circa 1920's, solid body, traditional age cracks in bottom, has some rubs and hunting wear, "JAS. LAPISH" written...
Sold $275.00
Michigan Hen Canvasback by unknown maker. Original paint, circa 1920's, solid body, painted eyes, repaired neck crack with some glue showing, alligatoring paint. This bird was used for hunting and...
Sold $15.00
Factory Decoys of Mason, Stevens, Dodge, and Peterson- 168 page hard cover book by John and Shirley Delph. Very nice reference book in good condition, dust jacket has a little...
Sold $550.00
Mason Factory Blue Wing Teal, Detroit Michigan. Painted eyes, mostly original paint with the white and speculum being enhanced. Has some age cracks, wood knots, and some hunting wear, but...
Sold $175.00
Mason Factory, 4th Grade Canvasback Drake, Detroit Michigan. Painted eyes, original paint, circa 1920's, missing neck filler, has hunting wear, age cracks and some wood chips, with lead weight and...
Sold $450.00
Mason Factory Widgeon Hen, Glass Eye Model, Detroit Michigan. Circa 1920's, original paint, age cracks, wood knots, lead weights, bill chips. Measures 13-1/2" long, 5" wide, 6" tall.
Sold $350.00
Mason Factory, Mallard Drake, Glass Eye Model, Detroit Michigan. Circa 1920's, original paint. Some of the neck filler has cracked out, but what's left is original. Has a small age...
Sold $200.00
Mason Factory Blue Bill Drake, Detroit Michigan. Third grade, original paint, Circa 1920's, glass eyes, small bill chip, replaced neck filler, small age cracks and hunter wear. Measures 14" long,...
Sold $275.00
Mason Challenge Grade Mallard Drake, Detroit Michigan. Original paint, solid body, circa 1920's, age crack in back, puppy chews on bill, chips on tail and some paint flaking on the...
Sold $400.00
Mason Mallard Drake, Standard Grade, Detroit Michigan. Very good original paint with original neck filler, glass eyes, solid body, minor wear with small hole-like indentations on bottom. Measures 16" long,...
Sold $200.00
Pike Fish Spearing Decoy by Jim Nelson, Cadillac Michigan. Metal fins, wooden tail, carved painted eyes, inletted lead weight, detail carved gills and mouth. Signed and dated "8-78" on bottom. ...
Sold $225.00
Mason Redhead Drake, Tack-eyes, Detroit Michigan. Original paint, Circa 1920's, age cracks, bee-bee marks and hunting wear. Measures 14" long, 5" wide, and 6" tall.
Sold $450.00
Standard Grade Mason Blue Wing Teal Hen, Detroit Michigan. Glass eyes, original paint with replaced neck filler and bill repair. Circa 1920's, lead weight on bottom. Measures 12-1/2" long, 4"...
Sold $400.00
Canvasback Drake by Chris Smith, Algonac Michigan. Circa 1900 with hunter repaint, glass eyes, bottom board. This hollow bird is in good condition with normal hunter wear, and measures 16"...
Sold $300.00
Pair of Michigan Buffleheads, unknown carver. Working decoys have wooden keels with lead weights, glass eyes, and old hunter overpaint with wear. Very unique decoys, drake measures 10" long, 4-1/2"wide,...