Most of our products are unique, but if you see something on our sold page that interests you, contact us and we may have something similar in our inventory.
Sold $175.00
Pied-Billed Grebe by Herman Bennett, 1979. All original, glass eyes, solid body, slightly opened bill, turned head, detailed painting, signed and dated by carver, very good condition. Measures 7" long,...
Sold $375.00
Victor Veri Lite Paper Mache Salesman Sample, used often as hardware store Christmas Displays. Hard to find in this condition. A few rubs, all shown in pictures, including paint chip...
Sold $225.00
Lifesize Hand Carved Walleye by Hank Kimple, Hubbardston Michigan. All original with glass eyes, carved tail and fins, as well as a separate hand carved wooden jig with a minnow...
Sold $50.00
Carved wooden ear of corn by Dennis Entwistle, Morris Illinois. All original, has "D" brand on one end, and "E" brand on the other end. Measures 6" long.
Sold $75.00
Red-Winged Blackbird, hand carved by unknown carver. Original paint, glass eyes, metal legs and feet, perched on a piece of wood, has a few paint rubs. Bird stands 5" tall,...
Sold $150.00
Morning Dove by Ohio carver, Ken Yacavone. Very nicely done bird with detailed paint, carved painted eyes and metal legs. Artist signature on bottom along with "Spring 04". This slightly...
Sold $175.00
Perdew Style Crow by Dennis Entwistle, Morris Illinois. All original, glass eyes, "E" brand on underside of tail, metal legs. Stands 12" tall, 14" from head to tail, 3" wide....
Sold $50.00
Carved wooden ear of corn by Dennis Entwistle, Morris Illinois. All original, has "D" brand on one end, and "E" brand on the other end. Measures 6" long.
Sold $100.00
4 Miniature Flying Mallard Drakes, unknown carver, all wood. Very little wear, in good original condition with painted eyes, detailed carved wings and detailed painting. Various sizes ranging from 4"...
Sold $125.00
Wooden Crow Decoy, unknown maker. Solid body, glass eyes, has "HUGHES" brand on bottom, split tail, in used condition. Measures 17" from head to tail, 2" wide, and 10" tall.
Sold $80.00
Frog Spearing Decoy, unknown maker. Has metal front legs, wooden back legs, looks to be carved eyes, and has inletted lead weight. Measures 7-1/2" long, 2" wide, and 1" tall.
Sold $300.00
Carved Standing Duck Hunter by Bud Hinck, Washburn, Illinois. This very unique piece also has a carved gun and 3 ducks. Piece is in near mint condition and very detailed. ...
Sold $350.00
Preening Black Duck, unknown East Coast carver, Circa 1920's. Hollow body, two piece head, with inletted lead weight on bottom, old hunter repaint, some damage to tip of bill, and...
Sold $125.00
Green Wing Teal business card or small plant holder by Wildfowler, Old Saybrook, Connecticut, Circa 1940's, balsa wood. Measures 11" long, 4-1/2" wide, and 5" tall.
Sold $150.00
Wooden carved Road Runner by Bill Hockings, Peru Illinois. All original with glass eyes, detailed carving in the body, foot, wings, and tail. Head crest, legs, and foot are wooden. ...
Sold $250.00
Flap-O-Matic Mallard Drake, all original. Paper-Mache decoy with plastic wings that move/flap when string is pulled. Bottom metal piece has "Commodore grade Flap-O-Matic". Decoy is in very good condition a...
Sold $200.00
Wooden standing wild turkey carving. All original, carved painted eyes, carved slightly raised wings, legs appear to be wood. Nice detail on bird, sands on a piece of wood, with...
Sold $45.00
Federal Duck Stamp Story 50 Years of Excellence 1934-1984. 365 page hard cover book, #611 of 1,500 copies. Original letter from the company. Front cover has embedded bronze medallion "Migratory...
Sold $250.00
Preening Morning Dove by Marv Meyer, formerly from Richfield, Minnesota. Dove is perched on a carved branch that sits on a wooden dowel rod into a heavy base that appears...
Sold $175.00
Snow Owl by Carl Christiansen, Newberry, Michigan. All original, has glass eyes, detailed carving, sits on a piece of wood with "C.C." & "Z" on bottom. Stands 6-1/2" tall, front...
Sold $100.00
Trilogy set of Stories of the Old Duck Hunters by Gordon MacQuarrie. Set includes Stories of the Old Duck Hunters & Other Drivel (223 pages), Mores Stories of the Old...
Sold $125.00
Third Size Canada Goose by Tom Taber. Metal legs standing on a wooden board with carvers name branded on it. Turned head, detail wing carvings, glass eyes. Carving stands 11-5"...
Sold $80.00
Full size carved mouse by William Kirkpatrick, Hudson, Massachusetts. Tack-eyes, all original, with carved ears and tail. "WEK" branded on bottom. Measures 8" long, 1-1/2" wide, and 1-1/4" tall.
Sold $35.00
Ear of Corn by Carry-Lite, Wisconsin. In very good, near mint condition, this paper mache ear of corn measures 9-1/2" long.
Sold $175.00
Grey Owl by Carl Christiansen, Newberry, Michigan. All original, has glass eyes, detailed carving, sits on a piece of wood with "C.C." on bottom. Stands 6-1/2" tall, front to back...
Sold $75.00
Tannery Lane Co., Inc. Wooden Shadow Box with sliding glass front, Wisconsin. Includes a miniature Pheasant, Wood Cock, Quail, Turkey, Chucker, Prairie Chicken, Dove, and Grouse. Box measures 9-1/4" wide x...
Sold $270.00
Al Ries Tru-Dux Mallard Hen Salesman Sample, Chicago Illinois. All original in very good original condition. Inletted lead weight, has one small chip on the bottom, glass eyes. Measures 5"...
Sold $250.00
Morning Dove by Marv Meyer, formerly from Richfield, Minnesota. Dove is perched on a carved branch that sits on a wooden dowel rod into a heavy base that appears to...
Sold $225.00
Herter's Factory, Balsa Wood Crow, Waseca, Minnesota. All original, glass eyes, some light hunter wear including a hairline crack on the end of the beak, shown in pictures. Measures 16"...
Sold $350.00
Full size pair of Gambles Quail by R. D. Lewis. Glass eyes, very detailed nicely done carvings with a nice finish. Both are signed and dated on the bottom. Each...
Sold $15.00
Two items- The Federal Duck Stamps, A Complete Guide by David P. McBride. 206 page hard cover book filled with pictures and a lot of information. In addition, The First...
Sold $80.00
Wooden Bullfrog in very nice original paint by William Kirkpatrick, Hudson Massachusetts. This unique item has his traditional "WEK" brand on bottom, glass eyes, metal dowel rod out end of...
Sold $225.00
King Fiser with carved crappie, by Mike Valley, Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. Full size, glass eye, carved wings, turned head, very unique piece, signed on bottom. Measures 10" from tail to...
Sold $200.00
Morning Dove, full size on driftwood. Signed and dated on bottom, with brand on tail. Very nice looking decoy, stands 10" tall, with driftwood being 10" x 6".
Sold $800.00
Rare Swisher & Soules Metal White Owl, Decatur Illinois, 1940's. Original paint with light wear, double sided, glass eyes, owl stands 13" tall, 6-3/4" wide from front view, and 3-1/2'...
Sold $150.00
Wooden carved wall plaque of a pair of Canvasbacks by Carl Christiansen, Newberry Michigan. Nicely done piece, signed by carver on back. Wood is 3/4" thick, and measures 9-1/2" x...
Sold $100.00
Herters 1893 Series- Teal painted as a Mallard Drake in the factory and made in to a candle holder. Very nicely painted, decoy has the Herters factory brand on bottom. ...
Sold $25.00
MacQuarrie Miscellany Featuring the Lost old Duk Hunter Stories and Other Tales by Gordon MacQuarrie. Hard cover 181 page filled with a lot of stories. Book is in like new...
Sold $150.00
Ducks Unlimited Presentation Set of 5 Wooden Calls with original paperwork. Calls are all in good condition and work. Walnut wooden presentation box is very nicely constructed with a Ducks...
Sold $100.00
Trilogy set of Stories of the Old Duck Hunters by Gordon MacQuarrie. Set includes Stories of the Old Duck Hunters & Other Drivel (223 pages), Mores Stories of the Old...
Sold $250.00
Mallard Drake Cigar/Pipe Holder by Wildfowler, Old Saybrook Connecticut. Circa 1950's, this unique piece is in very good condition. Has glass eyes and measures 12" long, 5" wide, and 4-1/2"...
Sold $325.00
Hand carved wooden Northern Pike by Clarence Tafka, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. Glass eyes, this Northern Pike is all wooden, very detailed and life-like, mounted on a piece of driftwood that...
Sold $250.00
Contemporary Angler Fish carving. This deep-water ocean fish has a weighted wooden body with metal side fins. The tail, other fins, and teeth are of composite as is the fin...
Sold $40.00
Vintage empty box for Hammer Brand Pocket Knives, manufactured by the New York Knife Co., Walden, New York, undated. Hand written number on end of box is 2337. Box and...
Sold $40.00
Lot of 4 Plastic Salesman samples. Pintail Drake and Hen, Mallard Drake, and a Mallard Hen. Range from 6" - 8" long, and between 2"-3" wide.
Sold $165.00
Morning Dove on a piece of barbwire on wood. Glass eyes, "PA" carved on bottom of tail. Including stand, this split tail dove stands 9-1/2" tall, 2-1/2" wide, and measures...
Sold $125.00
Wooden carved wall plaque of a Hooded Merganser Drake by Carl Christiansen, Newberry Michigan. Nicely done piece, signed by carver on back. Wood is 3/4" thick, and measures 9-1/2" x 7-1/2".
Sold $125.00
Wooden carved wall plaque of a pair of Buffleheads (Butterballs) by Carl Christiansen, Newberry Michigan. Nicely done piece, signed by carver on bottom. Wood is 3/4" thick, and measures 9-1/2"...